(Episode 14 Cont'd) LOVE AFFAIRS | A novel of the OmidanWURA_files By Segun Alonge Jr
Every of those correlations became to me like signs and proofs. But I never put out a fleece like Gideon in the first place.
I wasn’t asking God to prove to me if the helpmeet He had been preparing is wrapped up inside Olajumoke or not. I was simply busy with my assignment in the garden of the Lord.
I took a weekend off the location to really know what was next. The truth was that I loved her person – but not for a marriage relationship. After much hearty communions, I got peace within to go ahead.
All along, I never discussed it officially with Stanley but I was sure that he would be thinking towards that direction. He didn’t mention it either. They both still enjoyed friendship. I eventually made a formal proposal.
We were both in a relaxed mood, talking about the friendship brimming with fondness and mutual affection when I verbally submitted the content of the proposal.
‘Olajumoke, can we build a future together?’ I asked.
(Shocked) She said, how do you mean?
The exact response I was expecting. I wanted her to give me room for more verbal expressions. I was not ready to go the normal or rather common way which was, ‘Thus saith the Lord’. I had never been a fan of the statement. It appeared like mocking God to me - for in some cases; the relationship later crashes or even end up in divorce after marriage.
I had long believed that marriage is a choice – regardless of all the, thus saith the Lord. I use to say, even if 'thus saith the Lord, I still have my choice for marriage or celibacy as none of the two is a necessity, obligation or basic requirement for living a purposeful life.'
Not knowing which response to give first, I asked for the purpose of clarity.
‘Have you made a choice for marriage?’
‘Of course, I sure would be married someday.' She replied
(I heaved a sigh of relief. At least, I was still on course) ‘I meant starting up a marriage relationship,’ I continued.
Her response was an outright silence – with few gestures when she deemed it fit. At least the proposal had been made. I consoled myself. The late evening conversation ended on that gloomy note and I retired into my room.
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