(Episode 50) LOVE AFFAIRS | A novel of the OmidanWURA_files By Segun Alonge Jr

Adesua notified me of her wedding plans. I decided to give her a surprise package. I attended in company of ministry team members, in a sophisticated convoy – all dressed up like the groom with a reasonable gift in the truck. And….. THE END ‘No sir! Please go on. Omidan Wura and her protégés chorused all at once.’ Epilogue (ELDER ADEYINKA walks in) ‘See how I caught your rapt attention for hours. Alright, let me go on.’ ‘Yeah…thanks sir,’ they replied “AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER” (Turning to the Elder Marriage man himself) ‘I believe Dad has something to share. Please go ahead sir’ ‘Indeed, Aderopo. But I would do that briefly so they can go for dinner.’ This goes to the young men. When a lady allows you to empty yourself into her, she’s doing you no favour at all. I have met ignorant and simple men counting the number of ladies they have “conquered”. ...