Ephesians 5 : 15 - 21

15 - circumspectly means to walk cautiously, sensitively, as a person would walk through thorny terrain. Walking as who we are - the wise.

16 - redeeming the time is capitalising on every appropriate opportunity. We give no chance to the devil to take advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices. He always wants to separate us from God's love and fellowship. It takes the wisdom of God to thrive in these evil days

17 - the will of God is in fulfilling God's purpose for your life. It is in making his light shine through you

18 - the being filled with the Spirit is here contrasted with being drunk with wine in excess. Wine mocks, the Spirit glorifies God and dignifies man

19 - notice where the melody stems from...the heart. Not just from the lips. True worship is not a good voice or pitch. It is that which comes from the heart to the Father. They that worship him must do so in Spirit and in truth. Spiritual songs are impromptu rhythmic lyrics given by the Holy Spirit in one's language or in other tongues

20 - Thanksgiving should not be seasonal. It should always be channeled to the Father in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ

21 - submission to one another is indispensable for growth and unity. It should be done in the fear(reverence) of God.


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