Ephesians 5 : 22 - 33

22 - Women are never made second to men in general, but the wife is specifically called to accept her husband's leadership and not endeavor to dominate. The husband must lead with mutual respect. The wife leads through influence, the husband through position of authority. That balances the equation.
The same way the saints pray and see things happen...we are the bride of Christ.

23 - The husband being head is a position of responsibility. He is responsible over the nurturing and feeding of his family...both spiritual and physical.

24 - To such a husband, the wife can willingly submit herself. For she knows he has her interest at heart. We are sure God cares about our welfare for he has said he will never leave us nor forsake us

25 - Absolute love from the husband and total submission from the wife is equal to a successful marriage relationship.

26 - without the submission of the church to Christ, there won't be the washing of water by the word

27 - Notice that the sanctification and cleansing is coming from the Lord. Why? That he might present her to himself a glorious church. Just like when you buy a gift for would be sure to buy the best and give it the suitable packaging

28 & 29 - In a case when the husband does not have love for even himself, little or nothing can be expected from him. More reason while the Lord admonishes that we marry in his community. These principles is not applicable to the world but to the saints.
The Lord nourishes and cherishes the church because of the love he has towards her.

30 & 31 - Christ and the Church are one inseparable as the husband and wife are also closely knitted in one. The husband is to leave and cleave. The two becoming one flesh.

32 - this is the great mystery being revealed...No one can take the Church away from Christ. He must either be Lord in all or he is not Lord at all.

33 - Love + Respect = Blissful relationship


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