
Showing posts from August, 2016


Ephesians 6 :1 - 4 1 - recall wives submit to your own husbands as to the Lord. Apostle Paul knew that they were submitted to the Lord for Lordship require total submission. Hence, he admonishes the believing wife to submit to HER own husband in the same similitude. Here, children are admonished to obey their parents in the Lord. These guidelines are for the family *in the Lord* and are not necessarily expected to work outside the believing home. 2 & 3 - Parents deserve to be honoured for they occupy a ministerial as well as stewardship position in the lives of their children. Since they must give account, it is required of the children to honour them 4 - the Father likewise is laden primarily with the responsibility of bringing the children up in the way of the Lord. He prepares the path for the children to walk in.


Ephesians 5 : 22 - 33 22 - Women are never made second to men in general, but the wife is specifically called to accept her husband's leadership and not endeavor to dominate. The husband must lead with mutual respect. The wife leads through influence, the husband through position of authority. That balances the equation. The same way the saints pray and see things happen...we are the bride of Christ. 23 - The husband being head is a position of responsibility. He is responsible over the nurturing and feeding of his family...both spiritual and physical. 24 - To such a husband, the wife can willingly submit herself. For she knows he has her interest at heart. We are sure God cares about our welfare for he has said he will never leave us nor forsake us 25 - Absolute love from the husband and total submission from the wife is equal to a successful marriage relationship. 26 - without the submission of the church to Christ, there won't be the washing of water by the word 27 - ...


Ephesians 5 : 15 - 21 15 - circumspectly means to walk cautiously, sensitively, as a person would walk through thorny terrain. Walking as who we are - the wise. 16 - redeeming the time is capitalising on every appropriate opportunity. We give no chance to the devil to take advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices. He always wants to separate us from God's love and fellowship. It takes the wisdom of God to thrive in these evil days 17 - the will of God is in fulfilling God's purpose for your life. It is in making his light shine through you 18 - the being filled with the Spirit is here contrasted with being drunk with wine in excess. Wine mocks, the Spirit glorifies God and dignifies man 19 - notice where the melody stems from...the heart. Not just from the lips. True worship is not a good voice or pitch. It is that which comes from the heart to the Father. They that worship him must do so in Spirit and in truth. Spiritual songs are impromptu rhythmic lyrics g...


Ephesians 5:8-14 8 - Apostle Paul was talking about two different dispensation and their realities. The old man is darkness, the new man is light...the default state of a new man is light, hence the walk as children of light 9 - the seed of God is sown in the new creation man at salvation. The fruit includes goodness, righteousness and truth 10 - the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in us makes us know what is acceptable of the Lord. This requires a daily communion. Just the same way you know what dad likes and dislikes through daily interactions with him 11 - I told you earlier that light exposes darkness. This scripture has confirmed that. Have no fellowship/communion with the unfruitful works of darkness rather fellowship with the fruitful works of light 12 & 13 - light does not fear being exposed, only darkness does. The only secret place we have is the place of prayer; and even this is open to fellowship with other saints. Notice that we are not to hate the Gentiles...


Professor : You are a Christian, aren’t you, son ? Student : Yes, sir. Professor: So, you believe in GOD ? Student : Absolutely, sir. Professor : Is GOD good ? Student : Sure. Professor: Is GOD all powerful ? Student : Yes. Professor: My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to GOD to heal him. Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But GOD didn’t. How is this GOD good then? Hmm? (Student was silent.) Professor: You can’t answer, can you ? Let’s start again, young fella. Is GOD good? Student : Yes. Professor: Is satan good ? Student : No. Professor: Where does satan come from ? Student : From … GOD … Professor: That’s right. Tell me son, is there evil in this world? Student : Yes. Professor: Evil is everywhere, isn’t it ? And GOD did make everything. Correct? Student : Yes. Professor: So who created evil ? (Student did not answer.) Professor: Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness...


See! All you have are those who fill the office of a prophet but lack the power thereof. See! All they know how to do is pray for things when there are counsels for this time to be delivered. See! They are soon going out of business because believers are coming into the understanding of their inheritance See! The people are crying out for genuine food, you are only presenting irrelevances See! The prophet is not really a happy man but he is joyous. See! The prophet declares only the oracles of God. See! The prophet is not a man of many words. See! The Lord uses the life of the prophet to set the set the template for others to follow See! Ezekiel was not a happy man. See him sleeping on the left side for 390 days for the sins of Israel and another 40 days for Judah. See him feeding on a ration of food and water as prescribed by the Lord. See! Jeremiah was a weeping prophet. See him standing on behalf of the people of God. Hear the word of the LORD come to him saying...