'who also made us sufficient as Ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life'

Oftentimes, I make this declaration, 'I am a minister in the kingdom of God' - but I do feel most listeners do not as yet neither perceive nor grasp the depths of this declaration. So, I decided to shed more light on it in this piece.

It is good indeed for a man to understand his assignment while he is yet young. Speaking with a brother last night about life and existence, I sat aghast hearing him utter these words, 'I don't know why I am here'. Of course, this was not uttered almost immediately. Just as I was used to saying some years back too - I am here to glorify God. I immediately put it to him that we all in the kingdom live for that purpose - but we have specific assignments to fulfil as we gravitate towards the general/ultimate. The good news is, he knows that he does not know. Are you living or merely existing?

Some thoughts from the verse....
# our sufficiency is from God: All of a believer's source of abundance is wrapped up in these words, 'by grace, through faith'. All we have in the kingdom, we have received from above. John the Baptist understood this adequately when he coined his words to his disciples about Jesus Christ. We boast about what Christ has done and our boast is not vain - for we do not speak empty words. We rejoice in our victory at all times. When I think upon the word 'rejoice', I often remember king David - he was said to be seen by the Queen leaping and swirling before the Ark of Covenant. Even when the road seems rough and we feel life in its entirety is opposed to us, we rejoice. Our source of joy is not in things - but in God.

# Ministers of the new covenant: Just as the old covenant had Ministers so also the new. God has made us sufficient as Ministers of the new covenant - the making is an exclusive work by Him. We were made to minister the new covenant not the old any longer. The old was completed - finished on that cross called CALVARY. The cross of Christ separates the old from the new.

Ever wondered why Christ was not stoned to death, assassinated or tied to a chariot and dragged along the streets until he gives up the ghost? The latter indeed would have as well been a shameful death for a man that professed to be king. He was accused of blasphemy just as Stephen. Beloved, our salvation would not have been completed if he had died thus.

Two significance of the cross...
1. Crucifixion: Upon that cross, our old nature was nailed eternally. We reckon ourselves as crucified with him on that cross. This indeed ought to be a clear expression in the sight of a Jew first, and a Gentile.
In the old covenant, which was a shadow of a better covenant to come, the high priest offers yearly sacrifices which could only cover the worshippers for a time. For it is not possible that the blood of Bulls and goats could take away sins.

2. Remission: Indeed, without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins. If he had been buried without being pierced, the assignment would not have been completed. His blood had to be shed after he had been crucified. The priest not only slaughters the animal, he takes its blood as well for a sprinkling on the comers/worshippers.
Let me illustrate! Ever seen a mad/insane man? He sure knows nothing of being ashamed. What does he need ultimately? A change of clothes? No! He needs first, a change of nature - crucifixion. When that is completed, he no longer wants to go on rags. His sense of being human is restored and the next phase begins almost immediately - the washing away of outward filthiness.

'For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified'

Segun M. Alonge Jr
Ministry of the new covenant
The Kingdom of God

2 Corinthians 3:5-6
Leviticus 17:11
2 Samuel 6:16
Hebrews 10
Ephesians 2:8
(The Holy Bible 'NKJV')


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