MY FATHER’S DESIRE | Segun M. Alonge

I grew up in the knowledge of the creator’s purpose
His intention to create a lineage of His very nature
Male and female; I learn they were created
With His laws plain; and His desires enclosed
In the heart of man they grew and daily mature
What a family the creator craved

He granted His creatures this one great privilege
To procreate in order to raise a community of like minds
This He did so as to instill in them
The essence of not depending on their own knowledge
They were created bearing each others' burdens
Together bearing the creator’s emblem

I wonder what it would have been like
If all were created an island
Separately living and depending on instinct
With the experiences and emotions in solitude
Coupled with no one lending an helping hand
Growing without cradle care and family support

Not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together
That is His word to us all
Knowing well that times of loneliness breed various thoughts
Let us therefore grow in the love for one another
Selfishness, pride, anger and jealousy withdraw
Dwelling together in unity as children of light


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