Every product created and released into the market by a manufacturer has a purpose to fulfil. As a matter of fact, the purpose is first conceived before the product creation begins.

Man is/was created by God for a sole purpose - which is to rule over the heaven and earth created for him. Hence, he is the crown of all creation.

Having said the above, it is important for each individual to discover his/her place in the scope of fulfilling this great mandate.

What on earth are you here for?

Take time out to diligently follow through this six steps. It has worked for me - you won't be an exception.

1. Look Above You
Man would not be far from insanity to believe that he is a mere product of chance. The consideration of your body systems and how they all work together for the sole purpose of your earthly existence is enough proof that there is a designer behind the design.
When there are questions as regards a product in the market, who do we channel them to? The manufacturer of course. I'm glad to announce to you that the manufacturer handed out a manual already (THE BIBLE - Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth). He has not left you in the dark. Go back to him. He is more concerned about you than you are about yourself.

2. Look Within You
Every product carry within it the capacity to actualize the purpose for which it has been released into the market provided all basic instructions as documented in the manual are carefully followed. Stop running to a service man not certified by the manufacturer. He is going to ruin you. God has deposited in each and everyone of us the potentials for a maximum living. Notice I called it the potentials. Potentials can be latent for a whole lifetime if not discovered, activated and maximized or even abused. Crude oil has been in the Nigerian soil ever before it was discovered in the 20th century.
Take time to shut out all external distractions and talk to your maker - he is always ready to listen to you. He owns you. You are his special product.

3. Look Around You
Every product is designed for a target market and environment. Your placement in Africa and other parts of the world is not by accident. You are placed in this environment because you can thrive in it. You are not designed to survive. Right there where you are, your potentials are highly needed. Unpack your luggage and get to work. Your assignment is that one thing that you can live and die for. Always be sure to narrow it to a specific purpose. You should be able to state it in a simple sentence. Write it down and make it plain on tablets. The entire universe was created perfectly - every part of it. Finding yourself in Africa for instance means you have embedded in you the resources to thrive.

4. Look Beside You
Man is created for relationships. Some you can choose, others you cannot. You cannot choose your biological family but you can choose your circle of friends. Who are those you have very close to you?
How are your friends living their lives? Eagles don't scratch with chicks. Your friends will either make or mar your destiny. Better to have one good friend than to have a league of flatterers and sycophants.
Schedule a date with a close friend - one you know would not deceive you or mince words. Ask questions about yourself and request sincere answers - regardless of if it's going to hurt your feelings or not.

5. Look Behind You
Where are you coming from? If you are a teenager, reading through this material at this time, you sure have existed for about a decade or/and more. What are those dreams you shared as a child - when there were no pressures from any angle whatsoever? You could ask your Mom, Dad, siblings - these ones knew you and have lived with you for years without minding your character flaws. Reach out and talk to them if you can't place those little dreams of yours when you were a child - when the quest for money accumulation was no where to be found on your priority chart.

6. Look Ahead Of You
Having gone through the previous steps, I would like to end with this. I call it vision.
What do you see ahead of you?
Most people talk about finding your passion but I am of a contrary opinion. Your passion is not lost. As a matter of fact, passion is to man as gasoline is to an automobile.
Passion is that energy that keeps you up all day and night studying materials in your field of calling. Watch out for distractions! It sucks passion out of you - just like a leaking fuel tank of a car.
A vision without action driven by passion is a mere daydream.


P.S: If the material has been of help in any capacity, please leave a comment.

You can also reach the author at segunmarkalongejr@gmail.com
He would be glad to take up the conversation from there.
Best Wishes!


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