The assertion 'I can't wait' is often heard from the lips of many. For instance, college graduates in Nigeria would say - 'I can't wait to go for National Youth Service - even right from while they write their final exams as undergraduates. Few months into the service year, they can't wait still to complete it and get a job, followed closely by marriage. This I noticed has been the trend - the default setting. Very few of us have chosen to defile this anyways.

I like to propose my ideal pattern for living which is ENJOY EACH MOMENT TO THE FULL.

One of life's greatest tragedies is to arrive at the end of your journey and realize you could have done more, loved more, laughed harder, played more intensely and lived more vivaciously - T.D Jakes

1. Minimize your load
Travelling is a lot less stressful with reduced luggage. Most people live with malice, hatred, hurtful feelings and they expect to soar fast and high. I often like to posit that forgiveness is in the real sense a blessing to the 'forgiver'. As a matter of fact, the individual you hold a grudge against might not even know it. Past hurts kept would only cloud your vision to seeing those God is sending your way. Let go so you can fly

2. Cut off conflicts based relationships
You do not need everyone on your journey to fulfillment. Regularly assess your friends database to know if your time, energy and resources investments have really been worth the while. You would often need to cut off from some 'I knew you when....' friends. You can identify them by the stories they share with you. All they talk about are past events. Ask them what they are up to and the response would be 'nothing really'. I like to take the response for 'nothing at all'.

3. Celebrate diversity in friendship
What kind of people make up your mastermind group? If you have a team, who are those you have on board? Are they all 'Yes men and women'? You won't scale heights that way. You need people with diverse views and perspectives but same eternal purpose. Diversity does not mean strife would be engendered. My great mentor, Jesus Christ, had on his crew fishermen and tax collectors. You should be so diverse in your choice of friends that there would be at least someone to consult on any subject. My friends are assets!
Strengths and weaknesses can be balanced when you celebrate diversity. You can strike a balance.

4. Create time for refreshment
We need refreshment in our lives. Take time off those busy schedules and give yourself a good treat. You don't always need to wait for someone to do that for you. Celebrate yourself! That job would always be there even when you are gone. I agree with Dr Ravi Zacharias' statement: 'Anything that refreshes you, without distracting you from, diminishing or destroying your final goal in life is a legitimate pleasure'. Plan a date with yourself or a loved one and enjoy nature in its simplest form. I have come to realize that it's the artificial things that are extra expensive. Get rejuvenated occasionally!

5. Plan to win
How often do you set goals? Do you practice 'stick-to-it-iveness'? Not planning at all equals planning to fail. Even default settings are the handiwork of an individual. You are merely being programmed by someone else. If you aim at nothing, that is exactly what you will achieve. See each day as a brand new gift from your maker and live it to the full. You will never have another of its kind. I do not believe in a special day for a special cloth - all days to me are unique and special. Sit by yourself and draw out the schedule for each day. People won't respect your time if you don't either. Those who should make it up to the top on your friends list are those who respect your right to say 'when' to decisions that can make or mar your destiny.

6. Living is giving
Ask anyone fulfilling purpose what their secret is and you would realize that all responses would still narrow down to helping others. You would never come across a perpetually stinking river because it flows. Hoarders are not livers, givers are.
You should use your resources so much that all that would be left after living on earth would be an emptied vessel.
See you at the top!

P. S: If this has been helpful in any capacity, do leave a comment. Thanks.

Contact @ segunmarkalongejr@gmail.com


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