The assertion 'I can't wait' is often heard from the lips of many. For instance, college graduates in Nigeria would say - 'I can't wait to go for National Youth Service - even right from while they write their final exams as undergraduates. Few months into the service year, they can't wait still to complete it and get a job, followed closely by marriage. This I noticed has been the trend - the default setting. Very few of us have chosen to defile this anyways. I like to propose my ideal pattern for living which is ENJOY EACH MOMENT TO THE FULL. One of life's greatest tragedies is to arrive at the end of your journey and realize you could have done more, loved more , laughed harder, played more intensely and lived more vivaciously - T.D Jakes KEYS TO LIVING MAXIMALLY 1. Minimize your load Travelling is a lot less stressful with reduced luggage. Most people live with malice, hatred, hurtful feelings and they expect to soar fast and high. I often like to p...