“I know your works, and where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is” Revelation 2:13

Could this be an end to the long search of where man’s greatest enemy dwells?

We all grew into the knowledge of attaching everything called evil to Satan. It is an ideology not limited to a singular religious worldview just as we hear ‘God’ on the lips of every man – either believing or unbelieving. In fact, most times I feel atheists use the word ‘God’ more often than the believers. Probably the entire human race would make their way to Asia and spot out Pergamum so we can put our greatest enemy to death once and for all...#just_thinking

We could probably consider some of his attributes for a well structured strategy on our quest for his capture.

# He is free ranged – running to and fro the earth like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. A close watch could be embarked upon as we move along the streets and an alarm could be raised whenever he is spotted by anyone

# He is finite – having a time limit for he is also a created being. We might be helping God put him out once and for all

# He is not omnipresent – cannot be everywhere at a time. Hence, whenever he is in the west, the north can live in absolutely goodness

# He is a spirit being – not restricted by matter. The best of our intercontinental ballistic missiles cannot be useful. Hence, the need for a specially designed weapon to kill him

Satan’s throne may here refer to a 200-foot-high altar to Zeus or to the fact that Pergam’os’ (um) was the centre of emperor worship. In addition, the city was the centre of the worship of Aesclepius, the god of healing; whose symbol was the serpent. How fascinating to note that the same symbol is still used by the medical practitioners today. Some affiliate it with the serpent on a rod erected by Moses to heal the bitten Israelites.

How often man idolizes objects he finds amazing or could not explain its origin. So many cultural and religious beliefs today find their roots from man worshipping symbols or fellow men and women they find difficult to understand or hold in high esteem.

I submit that Satan’s throne or abode extends to all places where the creation is worshipped at the expense of the creator. So, you need not look too far or search for long.

Remember how Lucifer fell! Pride is a very subtle and dangerous thing. Guard your heart with all diligence!

‘Where do wars and fights come from among you?
Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members?
You list and do not have.
You murder and covet and cannot obtain.
You fight and war.
Yet you do not have because you do not ask.
You ask and do not receive because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.'
James 4: 1 -3


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