
Showing posts from 2017

Killing Kryptonite: Destroy What Steals Your Strength | John Bevere

Just like Superman, who can leap over any hurdle and defeat every foe, followers of Christ have the supernatural ability to conquer the challenges we face. But the problem for both Superman and us is there's a kryptonite that steals our strength. Of course, both Superman and kryptonite are fictional. But spiritual kryptonite is not. This study offers answers to why so many of us are unable to experience the divine strength that was evident among first-century Christians. Killing Kryptonite offers answers to why so many of us are unable to experience the divine strength that was evident among first-century Christians. Includes discussion questions for group study. Source


CHAPTER FIVE “Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech” Gen 11:7 “And suddenly, there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind...” Acts 2:2 THE DIVINE INTERVENTION MANKIND WAS ON A ROAD to self-destruction by her quest to live apart from her source. We would here consider the stepping in of the community of the God-head. You would recall that at the event of man’s creation, the same conversation ensued. “ Then God said, let us make man in our image...” (Gen. 1:26) This erection is needed to be stopped by a loving Father. Every structure not founded on the Eternal Rock will surely be pulled down. The pathway to the restoration of man would never be blocked. We find here the answer to why there are so many languages on the earth and why the human race spread so rapidly across the earth after the flood. In both cases above, there was a divine intervention - as w...

Wonder By: Hillsong UNITED

Rising to global impact as the youth ministry of Australia's Hillsong Church, Hillsong UNITED has grown from a modest ministry to award-winning, platinum-selling artists. Currently fronted by Joel Houston and Taya Smith , the collective features a shifting cast of contributors and an eclectic approach to modern worship. Despite the rotating lineup, the group consistently provides the church body with fresh expressions of faith, anthems of praise, and captivating live events. Following their 2015 studio recording Empires and subsequent live release Of Dirt And Grace , Hillsong UNITED offers a bold new set of engaging modern worship originals. Wonder features twelve brand-new songs, including lead single "Splinters and Stones" plus "Greatest Of These," "Future Marches In," "Water To Wine," and more.... Source

The Paradigm: The Ancient Blueprint That Holds the Mystery of Our Times By: Jonathan Cahn

Is it possible that an ancient blueprint holds the secret behind the events of our times? Could this blueprint lie behind the rise and fall of leaders and governments? Could events that took place nearly three thousand years ago now be determining the course of our world and with it the course of our lives? Could ancient figures from the Middle East hold the key to the leaders of our own day, what they do, when they rise, and when they fall? Is it possible that this ancient paradigm has determined not only the events of modern times but also their timing-even down to the exact days and dates? Could a mystery from the ancient Middle East have foretold the outcomes of current events more accurately than any poll or expert-even the outcomes of presidential elections? Has this mystery even touched the events of your life? Does the paradigm reveal what will take place in the future? And does it contain a warning critical for every person in this generation? Prepare to be stunned, s...

THE QUEST | Segun Mark Alonge Jr

God's love is universal and His thoughts are higher CHAPTER FOUR “ And they said, ‘Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower whose top is in the heavens, let us make a name for ourselves” Gen 11:4 “When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place” Acts 2:1 THE QUEST IN WHOSE NAME ARE YE GATHERED? Every structure that is not erected in the name of the Lord would surely be pulled down. In the previous chapter, we clarified the coming together to ‘make’ by mankind as well as another coming together to ‘make’ which was an absolute work of the Lord. A good illustration is in the construction of a house. The first requirement is to put together the bricks and other materials that would be needed for the construction. In recent times, the blocks have to be moulded (made) into shape. That would be closely followed by the building process. Mankind (in her fallen state) came together to build a ...

HEART MATTERS - MOTIVE | Segun Mark Alonge Jr

God's love is universal and His thoughts are higher CHAPTER THREE “ Then they said to one another, come let us make...” Gen 11:3 “These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication...” Acts 1:14 HEART MATTERS – MOTIVE HOW QUICKLY THE MEN reasoned with one another and decided to embark on a massive construction. How often we like to make bricks for ourselves as well. A closer look into that verse paints a clear picture of the heart of the fallen man. They had brick for ‘stone’, and they had asphalt for mortar. This indicates a binding together of stones with mortar - stones symbolically represent resistance. The heart of the fallen man constantly stands in resistance to the counsel of the Lord. Moses ascended to the Mount of the Lord and came back with the tablets of stone upon which the laws were inscribed. The problem was not with the written laws because we would later see in the thirty sixth chapter of the book of Ezekiel ...


God's love is universal and His thoughts are higher. CHAPTER TWO “And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the East that they found a plain in the land of Shinar and they dwelt there” Gen 11:2 “And when they had entered, they went up into the upper room where they were staying” Acts 1:13 THE DWELLING PLACE THERE REMAINS THEREFORE A REST to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works as God did from his. Let us labour therefore to enter that rest (Heb. 4:9-11). So many of the life-giving truth in the Word consists of two interwoven halves that cannot be separated. ‘Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest’. As for labour, it is true that there is a great deal of struggling and searching and pleading and agonizing in the process of discovering and understanding truths fitted to our needs. And much of the same pathway is trod in an effort to appropriate and enter in. All this is not in vain, it is necessary. But it is ...

THE CURIOUS MIND | Segun Mark Alonge Jr

God's love is universal and His thoughts are higher . CHAPTER ONE Now the whole earth had one language and one speech. Gen 11:1 Then they returned to Jerusalem from the Mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day’s journey. Acts 1:12 THE CURIOUS MIND THE QUESTION IS OFTEN ASKED why God would have to step into the affairs of a united mankind and cause kiosk and rancour among them by confusing their language. We would look closely into the details of the occurrence and the purpose for it. The eleventh chapter of Genesis opens with an acclamation that the whole earth had one language and one speech. It is important to note that in talking about the whole earth as here stated, it was referring to as many as survived the flood that swept the whole earth in the previous chapter. Noah and his household came out of the flood by the reason of God’s absolute favour shone on him. This occurrence in itself clearly points us to two major events. Salvation God...


THE QUESTION IS OFTEN ASKED, what should be the relationship of the followers of Christ with the world system? So many have tried to withdraw entirely from the systems due to the fear of being corrupted. Moving around town some months ago, on the streets of Ilorin, Kwara State, I was especially drawn to the various business enterprises around town, but most especially the big eateries. I do not really know the owners of these enterprises but one thing I’m sure of - they are patronized by Christians as well. CHRISTIANITY IS NOT SYNONYMOUS WITH INFERIORITY The mentality of a consumer is so rampant in the Christian faith – some of which sprang from the idea that since Jesus is coming soon, we need not invest in something that would be of lasting value. It is disheartening to hear these same teachings from most of the pulpits. This has made many believers limit themselves in what they can achieve. WE ARE NOT HERE TO SURVIVE So many just live to get by. Investing in lucrat...


A couple of years ago, I engaged my social media friends with a conversation centred around the quest and deep heart longing for 'making' heaven. Their responses came pouring in in different shades. While some affirmed that heaven is the final place of rest for the new creation man, others posited that it is only a temporary place for the new creation man. The discussion extended into asking if they would still keep their moral integrity if a liable source (divinity) discloses that there is no longer the promise of 'heaven'. A good number submitted that; what then would be the essence/reward of living in response to God's gift of righteousness. This submission brought me into the conclusion that many professing new creation men are simply doing so for the purpose of being rewarded with a heavenly abode (wherever the Father dwells is heaven....the person makes it heaven not the environment) - so much that a prayer would not be seen as complete if it is not coated o...


"Whenever you remove any fence, always pause long enough to ask why it was put there in the first place" - G. K Chesterton Oftentimes, when we speak about morality in the Christian faith, we would be opposed all together by brothers and sisters advocating a new revolution - called the GRACE REVOLUTION. I have always a singular response to this movement. If we paint 'grace' as a revolution or movement in a way that we make people believe it is a new thing or a new doctrine, we should as well be prepared for a total overhauling in the nearest future. The very initiation of a revolution connotes that it is for a time - and I do not agree that the Christian faith should be placed on such quicksand. In talking about being placed upon quicksand, I do not mean that the grace message is heretic in nature. I am saved eternally (as long as I abide in Him), I believe strongly in the death and resurrection of Christ (I rest in His finished works and labour from the position...