THE QUESTION IS OFTEN ASKED, what should be the relationship of the followers of Christ with the world system? So many have tried to withdraw entirely from the systems due to the fear of being corrupted. Moving around town some months ago, on the streets of Ilorin, Kwara State, I was especially drawn to the various business enterprises around town, but most especially the big eateries. I do not really know the owners of these enterprises but one thing I’m sure of - they are patronized by Christians as well. CHRISTIANITY IS NOT SYNONYMOUS WITH INFERIORITY The mentality of a consumer is so rampant in the Christian faith – some of which sprang from the idea that since Jesus is coming soon, we need not invest in something that would be of lasting value. It is disheartening to hear these same teachings from most of the pulpits. This has made many believers limit themselves in what they can achieve. WE ARE NOT HERE TO SURVIVE So many just live to get by. Investing in lucrat...